Monday, June 18, 2007

Label 'Em!

When it comes to genetically modified foots. I most definitely think that they should all be labeled so that we, the consumers, know whether or not we’re eating “frankenfoods”. Don’t get me wrong, I am not necessarily saying that GM foods are a bad thing; I am just of the opinion that we should know whether or not we’re eating them.

When it all comes down to it, there are many plusses and negatives of GM foods. On the plus side, the taste and quality of genetically modified food is enhanced, and the nutrition can also be increased. In addition to that, GM foods are more resistant to disease than the native crops, thanks to plant biologists.

On the negative side, some farmers are scared to try GMOs because of intimidating public opinion. A farmer in Derbyshire was scheduled to conduct a trial run of GM potatoes but pulled out of the experiment due to threats from anonymous callers and fear for his family. It’s sad that this type of reaction has occurred with GM foods, but was probably something that the scientists behind it all saw coming. On top of that, allergies in human beings have risen at the same time as the increase of loss of biodiversity in our food.

All in all, the debate will be ever-lasting about GM foods. However, it must be said that in the best interest of human health, GM foods should be labeled – this will prevent any discrepancies with consumers (us!) in the future.

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