Thursday, June 14, 2007


The Public and Catholic school boards for Thames Valley area are checking water for lead because, if found in the water, it could be terribly detrimental to the human body. If lead were to enter the human blood system, it will go to either your: blood, soft tissue, and mineralized tissue. Depending on the amount of lead and the age of the person, lead will have different side effects.

For low lead levels in children, the following side effects may occur:

• Nervous system and kidney damage.
• Learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and decreased intelligence.
• Speech, language, and behavior problems.
• Poor muscle coordination.
• Decreased muscle and bone growth.
• Hearing damage.
• Seizures, unconsciousness, and death.

For high levels of lead in adults, the following side effects may occur:

• Increased chance of illness during pregnancy.
• Harm to a fetus, including brain damage or death.
• Fertility problems (in men and women).
• High blood pressure.
• Digestive problems.
• Nerve disorders.
• Memory and concentration problems.
• Muscle and joint pain

According to CBC, there are some Londoners that may need to take caution when drinking tap water, and may be encouraged to change some part of their water system. This is because higher than normal levels of lead were found in water within some homes in London.

Those to be most effected by this lead problem would be homeowners who had water containing higher than normal levels of lead. Also, schools who have water containing an alarming amount of lead may be effected if the problem is not caught soon enough.

Testing must be done in cities and be taken seriously, as low levels of lead in children can cause detrimental effects, which may be irreversible.

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